5 Cardinal Rules of Creating SEO Friendly Content

The creating of search engine optimized (SEO friendly) content, as we all casually throw the jargon around, is a simple process of crafting content that conforms to SEO parameters.

“SEO per se is a complex aspect of digital marketing that, for a newbie who is just setting up a website or redesigning a website, can be pretty daunting”.

However with a little knowledge of the “how’s and whys” of SEO you will be better equipped to comprehend what it is all about, and even flaunt what you know.

Critical to SEO friendly content is the “crafty” use of “keywords”, plopped “quiet intentionally” in the midst of the otherwise legitimate content.

For a SEO digital marketing agency, designing quality content it is important to the end result of enthralling your readers, and has them wanting more of your interesting content. However if you don’t focus on the SEO aspect of your content your “craft” loses out on the chance of getting it in front of the right people. Now that we have established that let us take a look at what factors get your content in front of the right people and bring you the best results.

  • Originality and veracity of syntax, semantics and the “play” of words
  • Informative, educational intriguing, entertaining, and scintillating
  • Relevance and depth
  • Architecture and navigation of your website
  • Speed and performance of your website

“The most decisive part in creating compelling buoyant, content is gaining a deep understanding of the “who and what”, of your target audience, and what they want to know”

Let us take a brief look at these points; if your content is designed by the best SEO agency authentic; language and words are “fluid” and makes you stand out of the crowd, and this is as simple as introducing yourself to an audience, straightforward, simple, and crisp; it all flows and makes the right impression. Now, that same introduction, has conveyed information, and meets the needs of that situation.

Third, an SEO digital agency needs to create content that is relevant and well researched. Relevance enhances and retains your audience attention, and depth of information, is a reflection of how well you have researched the subject and therefore knowledgeable of the subject. Furthermore it is imperative that you connect with your audiences emotions. When you’ve touched their emotions, your content has become twice as effective as any other. Vocabulary is a sure fire means of connecting with emotions, you create a comfort zone as you connect and even make the reader feel intelligent in the comprehension and  intrigue that you have brought to their time invested on you. Last, and certainly not the least, create urgency in the tone of your content and particularly at the close with a strong “call to action”.

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